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How long will my KITAS be valid for?
Investor KITAS (E28A) is initially valid for 2 years and can be extended. Work permit KITAS is valid for 1 year and extendable for up to 5 years.
What is the difference between the Investor KITAS and Work Permit KITAS?
Investor KITAS (E28A) is granted to individuals who own shares in an Indonesian company with a minimum share capital of IDR 10 billion in their name. Work Permit KITAS (C312) is issued to individuals employed by an Indonesian company.
How long does my passport have to be valid for to apply for Investor KITAS?
Investor KITAS (E28A) is initially valid for 2 years and can be extended.
Will I be able to bring my spouse and children under KITAS?
Spouses and children require Dependant KITAS (E31B or E31E)
I am married to an Indonesian national and intend to live in Indonesia. What type of KITAS will I have to apply for?
You will have to apply for the Dependant KITAS (E31B).
Find our more FAQ related to KITAS in Indonesia here.