Get detailed information about an Indonesian company
The company registry in Indonesia contains detailed information about Indonesian companies and is sourced from data stored by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
As a foreigner planning to do business in Indonesia, you can utilise this service to conduct research or background checks before making any investments. For example, before you sign agreements or close deals with new potential partners. The report contains:
Company status and details
- Legal entity type and status
- List of business activities (KBLI)
- Date of deed revisions
- Company domicile

Capital and shareholder details
- List of shareholders
- List of directors and commissioners
- Amount of authorised and paid-up capitals

History of the company
- All changes in the deed
- All changes in capital
- All changes in shareholders, directors, and commissioners

How It Works

Company Registry Request Form
How much does it cost?
Indonesian report: USD 100
English report: USD 150
Note: Additional charges may apply for translations exceeding 8 pages.
What information will you get?
- Type of company (PMA or PMDN)
- company status
- company domicile
- business activities (KBLI)
- details of authorised and paid-up capital
- details of shareholders, Board of Directors, and Commissioners
- deed amendment(s)
- as well as the notary who incorporated the company.
Please remember that we only provide information about Limited Companies (or Perseroan Terbatas or PT) in Indonesia. We do not provide information about other entities, such as CV (or Commanditaire Venootschap).
How long does the process take?
Confirmation of Availability: Within 24 hours of submitting your request for company availability, we will email you to confirm whether the information you’ve inquired about is available. If the company is available, this confirmation email will also include a PayPal link for payment.
Delivery of Information: Once the availability is confirmed and payment is made, we typically send you the requested company information in less than 24 hours. In rare cases, it may take up to 3 working days. We’ll notify you if there are any delays.